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Garden with  ease & comfort

An app for gardeners to maintain and manage their garden with convenience. 



01. Have your own Virtual Garden

When launched, Plantr takes users to the home page where they can save plants to their garden for easy viewing on the home page. This puts all of your plants in one place, making it easily accessible.

02. Extensive Information at the tip of your hands

With Plantr's extensive database on flora, finding information on plants has never been easier. With the predictive search function, Plantr can help narrow down the specific plant users are looking for, and give them specific information on how to take care of their plants and raise is to be the best it can be.

03. Stay on top of your plant's care

With Plantr's notification system, users are able to set reminders to ensure they stay on top of their plant's care routine. Users can set recurring alarms whilst also providing watering recommendations to ensure the best care routines for their plants.

04. Track your compost's carbon and nitrogen levels

With the built in compost tracker, users can keep track of their compost's carbon to nitrogen ratio. By logging the items and the amount in which they put into their compost recently, the tracker calculates the balance between nitrogen and carbon, helping users keep track of their compost's carbon and nitrogen levels.



With climate change being a large problem in our modern society, we wanted to create a product that helped young adults live a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. For this reason, Plantr in hopes of making gardening more manageable and less intimidating for newcomers! Through our app, we encourage people to grow their own produce. Additionally, we  hope to help users achieve goals of food & lifestyle sustainability, saving money, and possibly helping build a new hobby.



(Scroll horizontally to view photos, and click on each to view more information.)

Grid Layouts

Once our goal for our application was set, we created grid layouts for the main pages of our application, The grid layouts showed our envision of the basic formations of the page and content.

Story Boarding

We then created storyboards to fill in the gaps that a grid layout could not provide. Using a colour palette made up of warm, earthy colours to represent nature and the Earth, we sketched out a basic design and annotated them with the interactions we'd like to include.

User Testing

After recreating our design, including interactions, on a prototyping tool, we reached out to friends who were designers, developers, and/or environmentalists to use our applications. Using their critique, we improved our application to create the Plantr we have today.

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